Royalty, net income calculation norm for individuals

The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) on 16 March 2023 issued regulation No. PER-1/PJ/2023 of technical
guidance on withholding tax on royalty received by individual taxpayers who adopt net income calculation norm.

Following are few key highlights.

  1. Withholding Tax on Royalty
  • Royalty paid, provided, or due to resident taxpayers or permanent establishments is subject to withholding tax article 23.
  • Withholding tax rate for royalty is 15% of the “gross amount”.
  1. Net income calculation norm for individual tax residents
  • For individual tax residents who adopt net income calculation norm, the “gross amount” is set at 40% of the royalty. Therefore, net withholding tax of royalty to the said individual taxpayers is 6%.
  • The individual taxpayers must provide the receipt of notification net income calculation norm to the withholder prior to payment.
  1. Remittance and reporting of withholding tax
  • The withholder must remit withholding tax to the government and report the withholding tax in the monthly unified tax return.
  • The withholder is responsible to provide withholding tax slip to the individual taxpayers.
  1. Tax Filing for Individual tax residents who earn royalty
  • Royalty must be reported by individual taxpayers in Annual Income Tax Return, and withholding tax pertaining to the royalty can be credited in the Annual Income Tax Return.

Your Contacts

Tomy Harsono
+62 811 9196 939

This publication is intended for general information only and should not be interpreted as substitute to any of  our professional advices. All of information contained in this publication refers to the featured regulation as per the date of this publication.
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